Traumatic Brain INjurY


Traumatic brain injury, a special kind of injury…

Traumatic Brain Injuries, or TBI, have begun to get the attention from the public they have always deserved, but in the past rarely been given. Sadly, research into tragic injuries in the National Football League and with even more tragic injuries to armed service men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan have led to greater media coverage and public knowledge about these insidious and dangerous injuries. KB Law is skilled in handling the unusual and often life altering symptoms of TBI, including changes in personality, debilitating nausea and light sensitivity, memory loss, vertigo and emotional unrest. Sometimes these symptoms are permanent. Now that medical science has progressed to more accurately diagnose TBIs that in the past were ignored, KB Law is finding that slips, trips and falls, rear end auto accidents and construction workplace injuries - any kind of traumatic event, really, can lead to a TBI and the results can be devastating. If you have a TBI, call us. We can help.