I've been injured in a car crash. How long do I have to file a lawsuit?


Q: What time limits should I keep in mind after a car crash?

A: In Oregon, one usually has two years from the date of a car crash to resolve your case or file a lawsuit.

A less well known deadline can be the Oregon Tort Claims Act – if your injuries were caused by the fault of a public body, such as TriMet, the police, or a state body like OHSU, you must notify the at fault public body within six months of your accident.

If you were injured by a drunk driver, there are time limits to notify the bar or social host that over-served the driver.

These limitations are traps for unwary injured people and are a good reason why it’s a good idea to consult early with an attorney even if you aren’t yet finished treating for your injuries. The sooner you contact KB Law after an accident, the less likely you are to miss an important time limitation, which could potentially keep you from being compensated for your injuries.